If you are a baby boomer or have boomer parents, you’ve probably come across this ad:
The Crankset Group has dubbed these Blinding Flashes of the Obvious. BFOs are epiphanic moments of “seeing” something essential for the first time or perhaps recalling something foundational that we’ve neglected or forgotten.
Why is it so important to highlight BFO’s? Consider:
- Vince Lombardi, legendary 1960s coach of the Green Bay Packers, used to begin preseason practice with these five words: “Gentlemen, this is a football.”
- John Wooden, “The Wizard of Westwood,” coached UCLA to an unprecedented 10 NCAA national basketball championships in 12 years, including seven in a row.
Wooden began practice every year by teaching his players how to put on their shoes and socks.
If BFOs are important for premier athletes, how much more important is it for financial planners and other true fiduciaries to remind our clients of the basics? Remember that what’s commonplace to you will likely be profound to them!
Our clients do not pore over every jot and tittle of currency arbitraging, optimal withdrawal rates in retirement, or the latest hybrid LTC products.
I look forward to connecting with a number of you advisors and other business owners locally. If you’re free this coming Wednesday, May 8 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., seats are still available for the TiE Rockies Entrepreneurial Roundtable. Register here.
If you can’t attend, please post in the comments section below a challenge you’d like to see us address in that workshop. For example, one of your greatest challenges might be remembering and savoring and celebrating the Good Things you’ve accomplished this past week.
We’ll include your ideas in our segment for the “wisdom of crowds” to solve.
Though you may not learn anything new when you attend, I can assure you that you will either experience your own V8 moment or be part of someone else’s!
To stimulate your own V8 moment this week, recall from your business this week a single event, transaction, interaction that brings a smile to your face and a twinkle to your eyes.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What was the experience?
- What about it makes you happy?
- How might you leverage this experience to:
a. Encourage you or a client in the coming week?
b. Provide a springboard to let a client do that?
Please post in the comments section below a challenge you think we should address. I will share some highlights from Wednesday’s Roundtable in next week’s blog!