John Marks Templeton (1912-2008) was not only a brilliant investor and founder of the Templeton Mutual Funds but also an amazing philanthropist who epitomized wisdom in that liminal dimension between... read more →
The top way to reduce your anxiety is to consider the needs of someone else! Colorado Gives Day is a concrete way to express your gratitude: If anxiety is... read more →
This week before Thanksgiving finds each of us in a different place. Some of us are preparing to close up early. Others of us may be facing a pre-holiday, pre-Black... read more →
It is with sincere appreciation for fellow Nazrudin Project member and author, Dr. Ed Jacobsen, that I share with you (with permission) the following post: Photo by Ruth and... read more →
Resistance is futile. --The Borg It's our choice, whether to hate something in our lives or to love every moment of them, even the parts that bring us pain. At... read more →
This week prior to Thanksgiving finds each of us at a different place. Some of us are preparing to close up early. Others of us may face a pre-holiday, pre-Black... read more →
Click for Part 1. Demosthenes was a great 4th-century B.C.E. orator. His power to conate (act purposefully in the same direction) to perfect his craft are legendary. He spent endless hours... read more →