If I were to distill the top Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) I get from business owners, it’d be this: How can I/my business do better? My response: Do you mean... read more →
Tomorrow: STAR-Denver Event Making More Money? or Who’s on First? May 15, 2015 Lunch Meeting by Jon Hokama. Click Here to RSVP. What if you got out of bed in... read more →
In the July 9, 2015 post I discussed the value of setting your own Independence Day. Respond to this post in the Comment section below or write me @JonHokama to... read more →
Every business needs a motivating purpose for why they exist. They need a purpose bigger than themselves, their business, and for that matter, bigger than just “to make money.”... read more →
Industry Trends and Your Financial Planning Practice, continued At the March Colorado Financial Planners Association (COFPA) meeting, Sameer Somal, Blue Ocean co-founder and CFO also put the floodlights onto important... read more →
As we mentioned in last month’s Strategic Edge Newsletter Edition (see #2,#3, & #12), cultivating your people, Human Capital, can be a powerful leverage point to move your firm into... read more →
We just celebrated our nation’s Freedom Day. What could be better than celebrating with barbecues and fireworks? We Americans love... read more →
Sept. 22, 2017: Save this Date to Supercharge Your Business Want to supercharge your business? Save Sept. 22, 2017 for the upcoming Colorado Christian Business Alliance gathering. Why should you... read more →
Over the last three-plus years of my affiliation with the Crankset Group, I have found Chuck Blakeman’s a headwater for fresh and powerful ways to liberate business owners. Having also... read more →
Three out of four companies you know are not in the top quartile. By definition they are underperforming. Over the next few Insiders, we will provide tools to help you... read more →