Build the Best Teams by Using Psychometric Instruments
Maximizing resources-whether they be people, equipment, or capital-is a goal every business should have. Getting the right people doing the right things is crucial in increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Psychometric instruments are tools that assess personality, behavior, aptitudes, and interests. They are very helpful in recruiting and in forming teams. It is often said, and is true, that there are no “bad” or “good” personality types. However, it is also true that certain personality types are better suited for particular jobs and responsibilities. Take advantage of this valuable information when hiring, promoting, assigning project work, or forming project teams. There are many good instruments on the market. Specific instruments we like to use are the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (personality temperaments), DiSC personal profile (personality behavior), and the IDAK Career Match (interests, talents, and values).
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