Industry Trends and Your Financial Planning Practice, continued At the March Colorado Financial Planners Association (COFPA) meeting, Sameer Somal, Blue Ocean co-founder and CFO also put the floodlights onto important... read more →
This week let’s examine two more questions to discover the “alignment” between you, the owner, and your business. (See last week’s post for the first two questions). To answer these... read more →
If we are clear about where we are and where we want to end up, 2015 planning, important as it is, becomes a mere waypoint toward our Finish Line, whether... read more →
Don't read this unless you have a Freedom Date! He who has a why can bear any how. -F. Nietzsche First, read about a Freedom Date by clicking HERE. Freedom Dates... read more →
Last week (click here for Part 1) we discussed the value of getting to no quicker, whether it’s in a conversation with a potential client or challenging a current client... read more →
A Stage 5 mature business provides the owner with money as well as time. The three-faceted bar of the Crankset Group description of business maturity states: I am able to... read more →
If you’re of any age between the Millennials and the Boomers, you’ll want to read this blog. It could help you or someone you love optimize the benefits they receive... read more →
Last week, I began to explore five beacons to guide us in the Present while Planning for 2014 and aligning to our Finish Line. Although I first learned of these... read more →
Thanks to guest blogger and author Robert White, author of Living an Extraordinary Life, for sharing his thoughts on what is perhaps the most challenging liminal threshold: change. “In these... read more →
For those of you who attended my presentation at the TiE Rockies Breakfast for Business on November 2, 2012, thanks for your support! For those unable to attend, here is... read more →