I have uncovered a liminal framework—a way of looking at our current Fiscal/Debt dilemma—that could help us frame a seemingly insoluble dilemma of how to reduce national debt while continuing... read more →
Part 3 of 4 In April, I attended a gathering to read aloud and reflect on a Leo Tolstoy short story. The powerful tale “How Much Land Does a Man... read more →
Over the last two weeks, we’ve learned from the impact life purpose has in undergirding the lives of two “business” owners. This is the time of year when successful business... read more →
In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired; In pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped. —Lao Tzu* This week I discovered another liminal dimension: the doorway from... read more →
Save the Dates! Resources for Your Small Business/Financial Advisory Firm on April 5th & 9th Q. What are You Presenting at Money Smart Week Colorado? A. I have found the... read more →
Jerry Paul, ICON bond fund manager, would say you might be! As a result of traveling the country and talking with hundreds of broker dealers and financial planners in the... read more →
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? ...You hypocrite, first take the plank... read more →
I learned about an idea that could not only save you and your business enormous sums of money but also minimize your frustrations this week. Interested? Having worked with sales... read more →
This week, we‘re viewing that ambiguous liminal space between client and financial advisor (or business owner) from the point of view of the financial advisor. It’s up to you to... read more →
Over the last two weeks, we’ve looked at real consequences of the government’s fiscal rigor mortis. We’ve also explored Modern Monetary Theory’s argument that the result of deficit spending is... read more →