Drum-roll, please!
Thank you for all who filled out the 2015 survey for JH & Associates.
Here’s a snapshot of who you are:
- 72% of you own businesses
- 33% of you are financial planners, many of whom own your business
- Ages:
- 38% of you are 56-65
- 19% are 31-45 and 19% are 65+
- Your requested focus for blogs was evenly divided:
- 24% buying/selling your business
- 24% self-awareness/personal growth
- 19% faith/spirituality
- 19% business ownership
- Your least favorite topic: 40% said financial topics
Over the coming year, I will focus more on the topics of greatest interest to you. Let’s talk between surveys so I can continually refine what I produce for you! Periodically, I will respond online to one of the written survey questions you’d like me to address.
Your Question: “What is your #1 goal for 2015?”

image by Vera & Jean-Christophe
My answer:
My #1 goal is nothing new: build relationships.
Most days, when it’s warm enough, I not only wear Aloha shirts but also seek to bring that aloha spirit to life and my work. You can learn more about how I do that for business owners by clicking below.
My primary relationship?
…is with my wife! She and I have a renewed focus on building our marriage and building our new relationship with grandbaby Stella (and Mom and Dad, of course!). And, we’re exploring new arenas for us to live and work together toward our ILD (Ideal Lifestyle Date).
Jon Hokama and Associates also has a renewed focus on both formal and informal associates. I am focused on deepening relationships with eight strategic partners and associates this year.
What is your #1 goal for 2015? Who can you share that with?