In our last Insider we gave you a chance to discover your company’s “Trust Quotient”. This time we’ll help you think about when to take action and what actions are... read more →
…those who [achieve extraordinary results] lift their circumstances up to the level of their dreams through awareness, responsibility and communication; others lower their dreams to fit their circumstances. (Living an... read more →
SHAMELESS PLUG Since this is the week leading up to Easter, I’ve been thinking a lot about what Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me.” Some of these... read more →
360 Workshop Invitation
Here’s a short little quiz. Does your company have a Mission Statement? Yes - Give yourself 10 points It is in written form – Add another 10 points It is... read more →
Are you uncomfortable with sales? Me, too! Especially because, in Myers-Briggs terms, I am a borderline Introvert/Extrovert. The “traditional” side of the sales paradigm has one ruling mantra (the Tolkienian... read more →
When I talk with owners interested in either buying or selling a business, they regularly think this is a transaction; each party views it from the point of view of... read more →
Author’s note: We have intentionally reprinted last week’s Insider in a slightly different form to model the principle of repetition. In “telling your employees how to vote,” be sure to... read more →
Drum-roll, please! Thank you for all who filled out the 2015 survey for JH & Associates. Here’s a snapshot of who you are: 72% of you own businesses 33% of... read more →
We regularly hear stories of business owners like yourselves and we want you to know: you’re not alone! When you get really honest with yourselves and with us, you talk... read more →