'There’s Gold in Them Hills' Why do some companies seem to thrive in good times and bad while others don’t? Good strategic planning is the secret to maximizing profit and growth potential. According to Dr. Porter at Harvard University, 50% of company profits are tied to operational excellence and the... read more →
Don't let Networking turn into Notworking Guest post By Lori Dubois Networking. Some folks call it the rubber chicken circuit, pressing the flesh, or at worst, a necessary evil. Meeting other people to exchange information to further each other’s goals defines networking in a nutshell. According to Wikipedia, business networking... read more →
...The spiraling use of the Internet and its potential involvement in psychopathology are new consequences of our times... ...Rehabilitation admissions for Xanax and other anti-anxiety drugs has tripled since the 1990s... ...At least 10 ultra-Web users, serviced by one-click noodle delivery, have died of blood clots from sitting too long...... read more →
Two challenges face every business owner: the challenge of optimizing our use of time and the challenge of gaining wisdom to sift through the oceans of information to find the pearls of professional excellence. An old concept in a new form can address these needs: develop your team. (more…)
NOTE: I would like to thank guest blogger Kevin Condon for Part 2 of this insightful blog. While he writes to owners of financial planning practices, his wisdom is equally applicable to any business owner considering buying or selling a business. Click HERE for Part 1. – JH To maximize... read more →
American Business Advisors is committed to Building Cash Cows® AND improving Quality of Life®. Today let’s explore a simple way to improve your quality of life. Having worked with hundreds of business owners over the past 32 years, we have seen and understand what it takes to improve your quality... read more →
NOTE: I would like to thank guest blogger Kevin Condon for this insightful blog. While he writes to owners of financial planning practices, his wisdom is equally applicable to any business owner considering buying or selling a business. - JH Recently Jon Hokama invited me to present at a session... read more →
Since Karl Frank guest blogged a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been wondering why it’s so difficult to connect with our future self. Specifically: Why do so few of us have a sufficient emergency fund, especially after the Great Recession? Why do so many business owners have insufficient cash flow/cash... read more →
“Without a goal, you can’t score.” – Plato A goal stimulates the creativity of the human mind. It creates a necessity. And it has been said that “necessity is the mother of invention.” We see the reality of this every day. When we help a company set a proper goal,... read more →
The Kennedy Space Center houses the massive Saturn V that sent three intrepid explorers to walk on the moon July 20, 1969. As you can see, my wife and I are dwarfed by the sheer size of the rocket. Contemplating different aspects of this accomplishment has helped me come... read more →