Last week, three events reminded me that every one of us will eventually cross one particular terrible and terrifying liminal dimension, or threshold. This week I hope to help you... read more →
As I mentioned last week, “Black Swan" events are ones that blindside us. We can’t predict them so they are particularly disconcerting and disruptive. (Click here to review the video:... read more →
Those of you who bear the CFP moniker or are NAPFA members are committed to the fiduciary standard of acting truly in your clients’ best interests. In the spirit of... read more →
We’ve seen momentum shifts in games: it happens in basketball games where one team seems to drain every shot. The other team looks flat-footed and tosses nothing but bricks. On... read more →
When God gives of God’s self, one of two things happens: either flesh is inspirited or spirit is enfleshed. —Richard Rohr At last week’s 3to5 Club, a bi-monthly meeting of... read more →
Remembering you are going to die is the best way that I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. --Steve Jobs (cf. WSJ) This past... read more →
Human bodies are microcosmic shadows of the middle market business. Sometimes the veil of liminal spaces—the divide between what is and what might be—lifts in the most unexpected places—like in... read more →
New Belgium Brewery (NBB) discovered in 2006 that its customers didn’t recognize that NBB was the brewery that created not only Fat Tire Amber Ale but also a number of... read more →
The Ultimate Perpetual Motion Business “If you spend a dollar, do you intend to get more than a dollar?” “If you spend an hour, do you intend to get more... read more →